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µù¥U 2014-9-21
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 3510
µoªí©ó 2017-2-21 17:17
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BSC24-009 ÀFÅ]¤À¨­獣ツルギデマーガ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
BSC22-099 ¦ÊÃÑの¨¦ (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)
BSC19-001 デストロイア¡]¥®Ê^¡^(¤j¶q)(¨C±i=$1)
BS32-072 ¤Ñ¤õ¯P¤M±Ù (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BS28-072 グラウンドブレイク (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$5)(¤T±i=$20)

BSC24-014 ¤T­±©Ç¤Hダダ (¤­¤Q±i)(¨C±i$1)
BS09-012 ボーギー (¤T±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$3)(¤T±i=$10)
BS05-014 悪戯§¯ºëインプ (¤T±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$3)(¤T±i=$10)
BS03-104 ¹B©R¤Àかつ§Á¸ô (¤G±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$5)

SD31-014 ¤dªT¤âùØ剣 (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$20)
BSC26-045 ´òに咲くÁ¥Á¨ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
BSC22-061 エイプウィップ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BSC19-024 ビオランテ¡]´Ó獣§ÎºA¡^(¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BS38-CP02 ¶W・­·Å]¯« (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)(¤T±i=$100)
BS01-138 ハンドリバース (¤G±i)(2011¦~°{¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$10)

PX16-04 ¥jの¯«¬Ó ¤s¦Ïのマークォール (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)

BSC16-038 ディーバメドレー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)

PX14-06 アルティメット・ダ・ゴン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
BS26-040 ¨¾¤Hヌビア (¤j¶q)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$1)



BS38 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä4³¹

¶À¦â®Æ ($100)
(M R C ¤£¥]¬ARV)(¨C´Ú¦U¤T±i)




©«¤l 445
µù¥U 2014-9-21
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 3510
µoªí©ó 2017-2-21 17:17



BS38 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä4³¹

¬õ¦â CP01 ¶W・ª¢Å]¯« (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$30)
¬õ¦â CP03 ÃzÅ]¯« (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â CP04 デパーテッドソウル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â CP05 º»­·の±´¯ÁªÌカゲロウ・シーカー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â CP06 アバランシュ・バイソン-フォートレスモード- (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â CP07 ¤þの¤ì·áナラ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)

¶À¦â XX 黄の°_·½Àsデルフィニュート (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

¬õ¦â X ¥Õ©°¬Óエクスパルド (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$80)
ºñ¦â X ¤Aの¥ÕÃM¤hアルパイン・ビット (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
¶À¦â X ¤lの¤Q¤G¯«¬Óマウチュー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)
ÂŦâ X º»®üの¥|Å]­ëイル・イマージョ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$40)

¶À¦â X RV Å]¾É双¯«ジェミナイズ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

¬õ¦â M 剣¬ÓªZÀsゼットウ・ドラゴン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ¬PÃM¤hハーキュリー£[ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â M ¬Ñ±ñ¯«¾÷シャイングリフ (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â M ¬õª¢の戦姫ブリュンヒルデ (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â M ¤Ðの¹D¤Æジャグリンガリアン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ M º»®ü将­xスキッドメン・ジェネラル (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
ÂŦâ M ¥¨¤H«iªÌペルセウス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)

¬õ¦â R ©°±G獣ブロス・ティーガ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ª¢·¥¤Ñフレイムタイガー (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R アルティメット・ムラマサ・ドラゴン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ¯¥°Ä竜フェニック・キャノン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R サザンクロスフレイム (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)

µµ¦â R ·t·¥¤Ñスピネルドラゴン (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R º»¤gのÅ]¾É®vディナイアル (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â R º»­··¥¤Ñクルビデンス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
ºñ¦â R 黄ª÷の¤jÁlライチョークス (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$5)
ºñ¦â R インファナルウィンド (¤»±i)(¨C¤T±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤d¤M³¾カクレイン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R カシオペアシール (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)

¥Õ¦â R ¿û·¥¤Ñバッファキャノン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤v±ñ«iªÌプロング・ホーン (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$5)
¥Õ¦â R ªÅ¥ÀÄHホーゲール (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¥ÕきÝãのªø«° (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$5)

¶À¦â R ¤þの¹D¤Æトラペイズマウス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ·¥¤Ñ姫ヒフミ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â R ドラフティングコール (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$5)

ÂŦâ R ¤BのÃz獣ドリルサイクラッシャー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R 黄ª÷Ãz獣ダッシュ・ヤマンシー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$5)
ÂŦâ R º»®ü´£·þスキッドメン・アドミラル (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R No.36 バーチャスアイランド (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS37 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä3³¹

¬õ¦â XX ¨ªの°_·½Àsアマテラス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)
µµ¦â XX µµの°_·½Àsイシュ・バラム (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

µµ¦â X ¤»­ßÅ]¾Éシャミーラム (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â X ¥[³t¬Ñ³¾エアイレイザー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¥Õ¦â M ¤v±ñ獣¤hソリッド・ファルコ (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M «Ò釈¤Ñ将インドラ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ¼ÉÀs¤ýネロ・ドラグディウス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R 黒¤Ð獣ブラッディセイバー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R ·à¦ºÀs¤ýリチャード1¥@ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ヒルスビートル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ウィリー・コヨーテ (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤BÃM¤hヘビークイック (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â R ®£竜¾÷トリケラ・ビークル (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R グロリアス・シープ -¾÷¤Hモード- (¤C±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¥Òの·á¤ýスグリーヴァ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¥¨¤H姫シーター (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¶HÅ]¯« (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS36 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä2³¹

¬õ¦â CPX ©°¤Ñ獣レディアント・ペガス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â CPX ¤BÃM¤hウェッジテイル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¶À¦â X ¬ü­¹の§¯ºë姫フロマージュ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
ÂŦâ X ¥èの¤Q¤G¯«¬Óカラミティ・ボア (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¬õ¦â M ¤­½åÀs«Òピウス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
µµ¦â M ¦º¯«¤ÐÀsジェット・ザ・リッパー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
µµ¦â M ¥³の¥|ÃMÀsホワイトライダー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
¥Õ¦â M ¤A¾÷獣ドリラスモス (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â M 霊»ÈÅ]¯« (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$40)
¶À¦â M ªGª«¤Hキョ・ホーン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)

¬õ¦â R ¤Ð°¨トラケナー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ゴルゴザウルス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R フレイムバリケード (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤vの¸Á¤Hモン・ホーネット・B (¤C±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R はぐれ§ÔªÌニジロウ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤úÅ]¯« (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤B戦¾÷ヘルヴォル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¬ü­¹の§¯ºëシュゼット (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¨¯²§獣ツインヘッドライオン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¥¯¤Ñ姫サラスヴァティー (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R «C»ÉÅ]¯« (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R No.47 オフィングロープ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS35 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä1³¹

X CP01 ¥É«ÒÀsダイテイオウ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â X ¥_¤æ¤C¬PÀsジーク・アポロドラゴン (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â X ¨»の¤Q¤G¯«¬Óゲイル・フェニックス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
¶À¦â X ªGª«¤ýドリアルバ27¥@ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¬õ¦â M ¥³の戦°¨サラブレード (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â M ­ßÀsゾン・サーグ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ¨¯ÃM¤hヴァン・イーグル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â M サーキットプリンセス トリックスター (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M ®ü¶Ä®v団シャーガ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ª¢¯Tヴォルファイア (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R ³±¶§°­ツチミカド (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R アメジストライディーン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R シルフィードハスキー (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤ÑÅ]¤ýゴッド・ゼクス -¥îノ«¬- (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¬ü­¹の§¯ºëスィーツ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R キメライオン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¹p¯«©ú¤ý (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)




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µù¥U 2014-9-21
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 3510
µoªí©ó 2017-2-21 17:17



º¡ $100 ´î $10
º¡ $200 ´î $20
º¡ $300 ´î $40
º¡ $400 ´î $50

BS34 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¥|³¹

µµ¦â X CP02 ®dîîの°_¾É¤hナカガミ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â X CP03 緑¼vの°_¾É¤hアオギリ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â X CP04 ¾÷¥©の°_¾É¤hギンレイ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â X CP05 ¤ë¤Uの°_¾É¤hミオ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)

µµ¦â X ³±¶§¬Óリクドウ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

ºñ¦â M ¤j¦aの§Ôダイビート (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â M ¾÷¥©ªk®vヤテンコウ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M ­°Å]©ú¤ý (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)

µµ¦â R ³±¶§¾É®vシド (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ²§¤ú§Ôワラビ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¾÷¥©将イチヤ・ジョー (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS33 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤T³¹

¥Õ¦â CP01 氷の覇¤ýミブロック・バラガン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

µµ¦â X 戦国¤»ªZ将ムドウ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

ºñ¦â M 戦国¤»ªZ将テンセイ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ­·Å]¤W§Ôケツアール (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â M 戦国姫 ¨Ê (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)

ºñ¦â R ñZ­·Å]ヨロイズモ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¤E§Àフォックス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS32 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤G³¹

µµ¦â R §¯³N®vヤクモ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ·½¤ó¤KÃM ½¥¤Yバスター (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R §¯§Ù獣ヌエ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS31 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤@³¹

ºñ¦â X CP03 µ§ÀY®a¦Úキマダラ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â M ²§¹¬§L (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ñZ­¸竜オーソデルガー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R §l¦å³±¶§®vヒレン (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R Àþ¨­¤§³N (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ divider001 ©ó 2017-2-23 13:54 ½s¿è ]


©«¤l 12246
µù¥U 2017-10-13
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 2392
µoªí©ó 2017-11-10 23:24
Over recent decades, the richer countries have provided much aid and loans for development in poor countries.Sase SinghThe aid, in most cases,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, contributed to an increase in their debt to GDP ratio.? Guyana has to be grateful for the advocacy that commenced with Carl Greenidge and was concluded by Bharrat Jagdeo. We got significant debt write-offs in the mid-2000s.But today, is Guyana significantly better off since the massive debt write-offs were given around 2006? Actually this debt/GDP ratio has not declined since 2006 when it hit an all-time low. The nation is at greater risk today with respect to the debt/GDP ratio than it was in 2006.What have we really done with all this borrowings since 2006?In most of the cases the investment in the productive assets failed to deliver on their intended purposes?? The biggest reason put forward was the gross acts of corruption on the projects, but yet not one official from that era is at the point of being convicted.Isn¡¦t it time to call in the UN-backed investigative commission which did a spectacular job in Guatemala?But to the core of the column today – Do we need to evolve on how we improve human lives?Reading the work of Professor Henrietta Moore, who heads the Institute for Global Prosperity at University College London, one walks away with the idea that there may be a fatal flaw in ¡§development¡¨ especially in the developing world.She advocated that development is a concept invented by the global North and imposed on the global South using the standard from the North, but with a little awareness and sensitivity on the local conditions in the global South.? Interesting thought here from the good Professor.From where I sit, national prosperity in Guyana is the key, but we can only talk about national prosperity if we can measure it.As a project management professional who is working in the Mecca of international development, I am part of that process where constantly we are benchmarking ourselves and evaluating how our work is evolving.We are also always taking corrective actions to comply with the project plans since it is all about the qualitative outcomes that directly affect the people. Similarly in running a country, we must benchmark where we are.At a minimum,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, by now the people should have been told by each Department where they want to be by the mid-term in 2017 and where we want to be by 2020.This is how you win elections ¡V looking forward; not backward. Most importantly,Cheap Jerseys USA, we should be re-enforcing the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in every sector of governance to ascertain and measure our progress and allow corrective actions to follow.We have to show with real evidence how we are delivering on the promises and what is being done for the people,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, especially on the big-ticket ideas.For example,NFL Jerseys China Online, what is our plan for renewable energy?? Where will we be by 2017?? Where will we be by 2019?? This ¡§pooch-panch¡¨ press release one-way conversation is not good enough.Saying we will have a wind farm at Hope is not good enough?? So now we are aware that we are going with a wind farm,Jose Calderon Jersey, has the contract been signed?? When is the construction going to commence?? Where will we be by the end of 2016 on this wonderful idea?As blackout returns to the land, this becomes a real and pertinent issue that I will be advocating on going forward.The APNU+AFC Manifesto guides me and others.? It has all the broad goals that we can put on a departmental logical framework to be able to hold our departments accountable. We can use this framework to drill down to actionable outputs with milestones and key performance indicators to guide delivery on these promises by 2020.It matters not if you spent $17 billion on the crime fight last year or this year; that is irrelevant.The outcomes from these expenditures and the impact on national prosperity are what really matter.? Are people feeling safer in Guyana today?? We all know the answer.History will acknowledge that this untidiness in the crime infrastructure was all perpetrated under the watch of Clement Rohee.But that does not mean that it will always be his burden to carry. Management principles taught me that once we inherit the problems, after a period of acclimatization, we then own the problem.


©«¤l 12246
µù¥U 2017-10-13
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 2392
µoªí©ó 2017-11-12 15:15
¡Kthey physically attacked a teacherEight students from the Fourth Form (Grade 10) of the Wisburg Secondary School in Linden, were expelled from the institution subsequent to investigations carried out by both the Region Ten Education Department and the police.The root of the investigation was an incident that saw a Teacher sustaining severe head injuries, after a piece of furniture landed on her head as she entered the classroom. The students were reportedly informed of their expulsion yesterday, after a meeting with education officials.According to reports the incident in which the students were implicated, involved the setting of a piece of furniture as a trap for the teacher, on whose head it fell after she opened the door to enter the classroom.The woman, Michelle Richards,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, had to be rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex for the injuries sustained, and was later referred to another medical institution in Georgetown where she had to undergo CT scans to determine the extent of her injuries.Richards¡¦s husband,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Rawle Johnson, had told Kaieteur News that Michelle Richards, the mother of his one-year-old child,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, has been severely traumatized by the incident,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, and has since been unable to work.Johnson said that the incident which occurred in February has caused him to spend in excess of $100,000 for CT scans and other medical expenses.He complained that after the incident,NFL Jerseys China, a relative of one of the students involved in the incident, went to his house and ¡¥cussed him out¡¦, telling him that he wanted compensation. But the man said it was not about money, because no amount of money can undo the damage done to his reputed wife.Speaking with this newspaper again yesterday, he said that he felt the expulsion of the students was a step in the right direction.Regional Education Officer, Jennifer Bourne, said that the decision to expel the students was taken after a thorough investigation into the incident.Bourne said that the school should be a ¡¥safe and secure place¡¦ for both students and teachers alike. The students¡¦ expulsion is expected to send a strong message, that any sort of deviant behaviour, especially the type that puts people¡¦s safety in jeopardy,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, would not be tolerated.Last month teachers from across Linden staged a massive rally in protest of the recalcitrant and deviant behaviour of students. They also condemned the ¡¥attack¡¦ on Michelle Richards.The teachers were applauded by many for taking a stand, as it was pointed out that everyday teachers go to school, their life is under threat.Chairman of the Upper Demerara teacher¡¦s Union, Jermaine Figuera, in addressing the Teachers who later congregated at the Mackenzie Market square, said that more needs to be done by the relevant authorities, to urgently address the prevalent and escalating violence in schools, as it threatens both teachers and students alike.Among those who attended the rally in a show of solidarity, were Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon, APNU Member of Parliament Vanessa Kissoon, who is also a teacher by profession and President of the Guyana Teachers Union, Colin Bynoe.(Enid Joaquin)