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¼ÐÃD: [¤éª©] ¤@¦¬ ¤@©ñ (23/02) [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: divider001    ®É¶¡: 2017-2-23 13:53     ¼ÐÃD: ¤@¦¬ ¤@©ñ (23/02)


¬P´Á¤»¤é 14:00~20:00 ¬¶¥x¤s¦aÅK¯¸
¬P´Á¤»¤é 13:30~14:00 ±N­x¿D½uªu½u¤Î¦ÜÆ[¶í¦aÅK¯¸


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BSC24-009 ÀFÅ]¤À¨­獣ツルギデマーガ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
BSC22-099 ¦ÊÃÑの¨¦ (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)
BSC19-001 デストロイア¡]¥®Ê^¡^(¤j¶q)(¨C±i=$1)
BS32-072 ¤Ñ¤õ¯P¤M±Ù (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BS28-072 グラウンドブレイク (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$5)(¤T±i=$20)

BSC24-014 ¤T­±©Ç¤Hダダ (¤­¤Q±i)(¨C±i$1)
BS09-012 ボーギー (¤T±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$3)(¤T±i=$10)
BS05-014 悪戯§¯ºëインプ (¤T±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$3)(¤T±i=$10)
BS03-104 ¹B©R¤Àかつ§Á¸ô (¤G±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$5)

SD31-014 ¤dªT¤âùØ剣 (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$20)
BSC26-045 ´òに咲くÁ¥Á¨ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
BSC22-061 エイプウィップ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BSC19-024 ビオランテ¡]´Ó獣§ÎºA¡^(¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BS38-CP02 ¶W・­·Å]¯« (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)(¤T±i=$100)
BS01-138 ハンドリバース (¤G±i)(2011¦~°{¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$10)

PX16-04 ¥jの¯«¬Ó ¤s¦Ïのマークォール (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)

BSC16-038 ディーバメドレー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)

PX14-06 アルティメット・ダ・ゴン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
BS26-040 ¨¾¤Hヌビア (¤j¶q)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$1)



BS38 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä4³¹

¶À¦â®Æ ($100)
(M R C ¤£¥]¬ARV)(¨C´Ú¦U¤T±i)


§@ªÌ: divider001    ®É¶¡: 2017-2-23 13:53




BS38 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä4³¹

¬õ¦â CP01 ¶W・ª¢Å]¯« (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$30)
¬õ¦â CP03 ÃzÅ]¯« (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â CP04 デパーテッドソウル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â CP05 º»­·の±´¯ÁªÌカゲロウ・シーカー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â CP06 アバランシュ・バイソン-フォートレスモード- (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â CP07 ¤þの¤ì·áナラ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)

¶À¦â XX 黄の°_·½Àsデルフィニュート (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

¬õ¦â X ¥Õ©°¬Óエクスパルド (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$80)
ºñ¦â X ¤Aの¥ÕÃM¤hアルパイン・ビット (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
¶À¦â X ¤lの¤Q¤G¯«¬Óマウチュー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)
ÂŦâ X º»®üの¥|Å]­ëイル・イマージョ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$40)

¶À¦â X RV Å]¾É双¯«ジェミナイズ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

¬õ¦â M 剣¬ÓªZÀsゼットウ・ドラゴン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ¬PÃM¤hハーキュリー£[ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â M ¬Ñ±ñ¯«¾÷シャイングリフ (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â M ¬õª¢の戦姫ブリュンヒルデ (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â M ¤Ðの¹D¤Æジャグリンガリアン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ M º»®ü将­xスキッドメン・ジェネラル (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
ÂŦâ M ¥¨¤H«iªÌペルセウス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)

¬õ¦â R ©°±G獣ブロス・ティーガ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ª¢·¥¤Ñフレイムタイガー (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R アルティメット・ムラマサ・ドラゴン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ¯¥°Ä竜フェニック・キャノン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R サザンクロスフレイム (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)

µµ¦â R ·t·¥¤Ñスピネルドラゴン (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R º»¤gのÅ]¾É®vディナイアル (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â R º»­··¥¤Ñクルビデンス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
ºñ¦â R 黄ª÷の¤jÁlライチョークス (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$5)
ºñ¦â R インファナルウィンド (¤»±i)(¨C¤T±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤d¤M³¾カクレイン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R カシオペアシール (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)

¥Õ¦â R ¿û·¥¤Ñバッファキャノン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤v±ñ«iªÌプロング・ホーン (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$5)
¥Õ¦â R ªÅ¥ÀÄHホーゲール (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¥ÕきÝãのªø«° (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$5)

¶À¦â R ¤þの¹D¤Æトラペイズマウス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ·¥¤Ñ姫ヒフミ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â R ドラフティングコール (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$5)

ÂŦâ R ¤BのÃz獣ドリルサイクラッシャー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R 黄ª÷Ãz獣ダッシュ・ヤマンシー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$5)
ÂŦâ R º»®ü´£·þスキッドメン・アドミラル (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R No.36 バーチャスアイランド (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS37 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä3³¹

¬õ¦â XX ¨ªの°_·½Àsアマテラス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)
µµ¦â XX µµの°_·½Àsイシュ・バラム (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

µµ¦â X ¤»­ßÅ]¾Éシャミーラム (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â X ¥[³t¬Ñ³¾エアイレイザー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¥Õ¦â M ¤v±ñ獣¤hソリッド・ファルコ (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M «Ò釈¤Ñ将インドラ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ¼ÉÀs¤ýネロ・ドラグディウス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R 黒¤Ð獣ブラッディセイバー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R ·à¦ºÀs¤ýリチャード1¥@ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ヒルスビートル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ウィリー・コヨーテ (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤BÃM¤hヘビークイック (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â R ®£竜¾÷トリケラ・ビークル (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R グロリアス・シープ -¾÷¤Hモード- (¤C±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¥Òの·á¤ýスグリーヴァ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¥¨¤H姫シーター (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¶HÅ]¯« (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS36 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä2³¹

¬õ¦â CPX ©°¤Ñ獣レディアント・ペガス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â CPX ¤BÃM¤hウェッジテイル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¶À¦â X ¬ü­¹の§¯ºë姫フロマージュ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
ÂŦâ X ¥èの¤Q¤G¯«¬Óカラミティ・ボア (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¬õ¦â M ¤­½åÀs«Òピウス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
µµ¦â M ¦º¯«¤ÐÀsジェット・ザ・リッパー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
µµ¦â M ¥³の¥|ÃMÀsホワイトライダー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
¥Õ¦â M ¤A¾÷獣ドリラスモス (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â M 霊»ÈÅ]¯« (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$40)
¶À¦â M ªGª«¤Hキョ・ホーン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)

¬õ¦â R ¤Ð°¨トラケナー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ゴルゴザウルス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R フレイムバリケード (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤vの¸Á¤Hモン・ホーネット・B (¤C±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R はぐれ§ÔªÌニジロウ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤úÅ]¯« (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤B戦¾÷ヘルヴォル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¬ü­¹の§¯ºëシュゼット (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¨¯²§獣ツインヘッドライオン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¥¯¤Ñ姫サラスヴァティー (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R «C»ÉÅ]¯« (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R No.47 オフィングロープ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS35 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä1³¹

X CP01 ¥É«ÒÀsダイテイオウ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â X ¥_¤æ¤C¬PÀsジーク・アポロドラゴン (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â X ¨»の¤Q¤G¯«¬Óゲイル・フェニックス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
¶À¦â X ªGª«¤ýドリアルバ27¥@ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¬õ¦â M ¥³の戦°¨サラブレード (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â M ­ßÀsゾン・サーグ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ¨¯ÃM¤hヴァン・イーグル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â M サーキットプリンセス トリックスター (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M ®ü¶Ä®v団シャーガ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ª¢¯Tヴォルファイア (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R ³±¶§°­ツチミカド (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R アメジストライディーン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R シルフィードハスキー (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤ÑÅ]¤ýゴッド・ゼクス -¥îノ«¬- (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¬ü­¹の§¯ºëスィーツ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R キメライオン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¹p¯«©ú¤ý (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)


§@ªÌ: divider001    ®É¶¡: 2017-2-23 13:55




º¡ $100 ´î $10
º¡ $200 ´î $20
º¡ $300 ´î $40
º¡ $400 ´î $50

BS34 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¥|³¹

µµ¦â X CP02 ®dîîの°_¾É¤hナカガミ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â X CP03 緑¼vの°_¾É¤hアオギリ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â X CP04 ¾÷¥©の°_¾É¤hギンレイ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â X CP05 ¤ë¤Uの°_¾É¤hミオ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)

µµ¦â X ³±¶§¬Óリクドウ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

ºñ¦â M ¤j¦aの§Ôダイビート (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â M ¾÷¥©ªk®vヤテンコウ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M ­°Å]©ú¤ý (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)

µµ¦â R ³±¶§¾É®vシド (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ²§¤ú§Ôワラビ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¾÷¥©将イチヤ・ジョー (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS33 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤T³¹

¥Õ¦â CP01 氷の覇¤ýミブロック・バラガン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

µµ¦â X 戦国¤»ªZ将ムドウ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

ºñ¦â M 戦国¤»ªZ将テンセイ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ­·Å]¤W§Ôケツアール (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â M 戦国姫 ¨Ê (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)

ºñ¦â R ñZ­·Å]ヨロイズモ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¤E§Àフォックス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS32 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤G³¹

µµ¦â R §¯³N®vヤクモ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ·½¤ó¤KÃM ½¥¤Yバスター (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R §¯§Ù獣ヌエ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS31 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤@³¹

ºñ¦â X CP03 µ§ÀY®a¦Úキマダラ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â M ²§¹¬§L (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ñZ­¸竜オーソデルガー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R §l¦å³±¶§®vヒレン (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R Àþ¨­¤§³N (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)

§@ªÌ: Hcsxlq5x    ®É¶¡: 2017-11-11 02:30     ¼ÐÃD: China NFL Jerseys or to use the beer term

By Ralph SeeramI was in the middle of writing another article for today¡¦s column. It even had a catchy headline ¡§Rebel slaves were hanged until decapitated in Demerara¡¨ but you my readers will have to wait until next week for that historical piece. We have to deal with present issues today. I had to switch to this article after reading the following paragraph.¡§As Speaker I have a duty to ensure that our parliamentary system and our parliamentary democracy is not derailed, is not shattered, but is held together and even in a tenuous way because it¡¦s always under threat.¡¨ As I read the article quoting the speaker, I could not help laughing at the irony of that statement coming from Speaker Trotman.I am recalling the hooliganism and mayhem that took place in the last two sessions in Parliament, where due to the Speaker being spineless the ¡§inmates were running the prison¡¨, while the warden sat helpless, allowing the disorder to take place.Trotman did not see the parliamentary system and parliament democracy being derailed, then, with the banging on the desks, and denying another member of the house,NFL Jerseys Outlet, a Minister of the Government at that,Authentic China Jerseys, to speak. Democracy was not stymied in the eyes of the speaker. An impartial speaker would have cleared the house of the disruptive elements so that parliamentary democracy can function.There are some who feel that the speaker should stop at attempting any pretence of impartiality in his ruling, especially the last one, a motion to bar the Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee from speaking in the Assembly. He referred the motion to the Committee of Privileges.¡§And I¡¦m of the view that a motion or Bill which seeks to limit the privileged right of any member, especially a minister because he or she has more responsibility than an ordinary member. We shouldn¡¦t just because we have a majority or because there¡¦s a debate, limit that right,¡¨ Trotman stated.Can readers see the hypocrisy in that statement? Minister Rohee has been effectively silenced, and Trotman did it.Now who Trotman thinks he is fooling. The Committee of Privileges comprises of five opposition members and four from the government,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, with Trotman as the non-voting chairman. Now really, let¡¦s think this through. The opposition has been pushing to get rid of Rohee; the opposition controls the committee, do you have to be a genius to know what that opposition controlled committee will recommend.The way this issue is being played out one can be led to believe that this entire affair might have been rehearsed and the Speaker is just going through the play. One must remember that Trotman came from the same cloth as the opposition, both opposition parties for that matter. So if the opposition parties do not like a Government Minister for any reason, justified or not, the opposition can silence that person in Parliament. If we use that logic, by extension the entire Cabinet can be silenced by the opposition with its one seat majority. The Speaker is opening ¡§Pandora¡¦s Box¡¨.Trotman does not know his beer either,China NFL Jerseys, responding to Attorney General Nandlall¡¦s contention that Trotman¡¦s actions are unconstitutional, he was quoted as saying, ¡§We practise law together; I know his style; he likes flair and language but not much of it has substance. There¡¦s a lot of froth at the top like a beer but I need to deal with the substance.¡§I think I set out pellucid last night that parliament regulates its own procedures, if the minister feels the matter is unconstitutional he can go to a constitutional court and get a ruling to that effect.¡¨This shows where his partiality lays here he gets personal. Nandlall spoke of constitutional issues, and the Speakers descended into personal attacks. Beer drinkers know that only a good beer gives froth, or to use the beer term, a ¡§good head¡¨. A beer with a lot of ¡§head¡¨ has good substance.There are some who think that he is mistaken if he thinks his actions cannot be ruled unconstitutional.It¡¦s a foregone conclusion what the Committee of Privileges will recommend. It is obvious that they will recommend that Rohee be silenced. So where does Trotman go from there?The budget is coming up,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, and no doubt that will be another contentious issue. Will the Finance Minister be silenced too? The best Raphael Trotman can do is to resign,NFL Jerseys 2018, and let the APNU alternative take over the Speakership. At least the PPP will have no expectation of impartiality from an APNU Speaker.Trotman¡¦s ¡§fifteen minutes of fame¡¨ will end sooner than he expected. A frustrated PPP will call snap

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