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¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 3511
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BSC24-009 ÀFÅ]¤À¨­獣ツルギデマーガ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
BSC22-099 ¦ÊÃÑの¨¦ (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)
BSC19-001 デストロイア¡]¥®Ê^¡^(¤j¶q)(¨C±i=$1)
BS32-072 ¤Ñ¤õ¯P¤M±Ù (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BS28-072 グラウンドブレイク (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$5)(¤T±i=$20)

BSC24-014 ¤T­±©Ç¤Hダダ (¤­¤Q±i)(¨C±i$1)
BS09-012 ボーギー (¤T±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$3)(¤T±i=$10)
BS05-014 悪戯§¯ºëインプ (¤T±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$3)(¤T±i=$10)
BS03-104 ¹B©R¤Àかつ§Á¸ô (¤G±i)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$5)

SD31-014 ¤dªT¤âùØ剣 (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$20)
BSC26-045 ´òに咲くÁ¥Á¨ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
BSC22-061 エイプウィップ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BSC19-024 ビオランテ¡]´Ó獣§ÎºA¡^(¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
BS38-CP02 ¶W・­·Å]¯« (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)(¤T±i=$100)
BS01-138 ハンドリバース (¤G±i)(2011¦~°{¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$10)

PX16-04 ¥jの¯«¬Ó ¤s¦Ïのマークォール (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)

BSC16-038 ディーバメドレー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)

PX14-06 アルティメット・ダ・ゴン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
BS26-040 ¨¾¤Hヌビア (¤j¶q)(¥þ¤éª©)(¨C±i=$1)



BS38 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä4³¹

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(M R C ¤£¥]¬ARV)(¨C´Ú¦U¤T±i)




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µù¥U 2014-9-21
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 3511
µoªí©ó 2017-2-13 13:04



BS38 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä4³¹

¬õ¦â CP01 ¶W・ª¢Å]¯« (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$30)
¬õ¦â CP03 ÃzÅ]¯« (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â CP04 デパーテッドソウル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â CP05 º»­·の±´¯ÁªÌカゲロウ・シーカー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â CP06 アバランシュ・バイソン-フォートレスモード- (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â CP07 ¤þの¤ì·áナラ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)

¶À¦â XX 黄の°_·½Àsデルフィニュート (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

¬õ¦â X ¥Õ©°¬Óエクスパルド (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$80)
ºñ¦â X ¤Aの¥ÕÃM¤hアルパイン・ビット (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
¶À¦â X ¤lの¤Q¤G¯«¬Óマウチュー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)
ÂŦâ X º»®üの¥|Å]­ëイル・イマージョ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$40)

¶À¦â X RV Å]¾É双¯«ジェミナイズ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

¬õ¦â M 剣¬ÓªZÀsゼットウ・ドラゴン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ¬PÃM¤hハーキュリー£[ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â M ¬Ñ±ñ¯«¾÷シャイングリフ (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â M ¬õª¢の戦姫ブリュンヒルデ (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â M ¤Ðの¹D¤Æジャグリンガリアン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ M º»®ü将­xスキッドメン・ジェネラル (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
ÂŦâ M ¥¨¤H«iªÌペルセウス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)

¬õ¦â R ©°±G獣ブロス・ティーガ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ª¢·¥¤Ñフレイムタイガー (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R アルティメット・ムラマサ・ドラゴン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ¯¥°Ä竜フェニック・キャノン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R サザンクロスフレイム (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)

µµ¦â R ·t·¥¤Ñスピネルドラゴン (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R º»¤gのÅ]¾É®vディナイアル (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â R º»­··¥¤Ñクルビデンス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)
ºñ¦â R 黄ª÷の¤jÁlライチョークス (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$5)
ºñ¦â R インファナルウィンド (¤»±i)(¨C¤T±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤d¤M³¾カクレイン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R カシオペアシール (¤T±i)(¤T±i=$10)

¥Õ¦â R ¿û·¥¤Ñバッファキャノン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤v±ñ«iªÌプロング・ホーン (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$5)
¥Õ¦â R ªÅ¥ÀÄHホーゲール (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¥ÕきÝãのªø«° (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$5)

¶À¦â R ¤þの¹D¤Æトラペイズマウス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ·¥¤Ñ姫ヒフミ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â R ドラフティングコール (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$5)

ÂŦâ R ¤BのÃz獣ドリルサイクラッシャー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R 黄ª÷Ãz獣ダッシュ・ヤマンシー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$5)
ÂŦâ R º»®ü´£·þスキッドメン・アドミラル (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R No.36 バーチャスアイランド (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS37 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä3³¹

¬õ¦â XX ¨ªの°_·½Àsアマテラス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)
µµ¦â XX µµの°_·½Àsイシュ・バラム (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

µµ¦â X ¤»­ßÅ]¾Éシャミーラム (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â X ¥[³t¬Ñ³¾エアイレイザー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¥Õ¦â M ¤v±ñ獣¤hソリッド・ファルコ (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M «Ò釈¤Ñ将インドラ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ¼ÉÀs¤ýネロ・ドラグディウス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R 黒¤Ð獣ブラッディセイバー (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R ·à¦ºÀs¤ýリチャード1¥@ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ヒルスビートル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ウィリー・コヨーテ (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤BÃM¤hヘビークイック (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â R ®£竜¾÷トリケラ・ビークル (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R グロリアス・シープ -¾÷¤Hモード- (¤C±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¥Òの·á¤ýスグリーヴァ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¥¨¤H姫シーター (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¶HÅ]¯« (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS36 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä2³¹

¬õ¦â CPX ©°¤Ñ獣レディアント・ペガス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â CPX ¤BÃM¤hウェッジテイル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¶À¦â X ¬ü­¹の§¯ºë姫フロマージュ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
ÂŦâ X ¥èの¤Q¤G¯«¬Óカラミティ・ボア (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¬õ¦â M ¤­½åÀs«Òピウス (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
µµ¦â M ¦º¯«¤ÐÀsジェット・ザ・リッパー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
µµ¦â M ¥³の¥|ÃMÀsホワイトライダー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
¥Õ¦â M ¤A¾÷獣ドリラスモス (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¥Õ¦â M 霊»ÈÅ]¯« (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$40)
¶À¦â M ªGª«¤Hキョ・ホーン (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$20)

¬õ¦â R ¤Ð°¨トラケナー (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R ゴルゴザウルス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â R フレイムバリケード (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤vの¸Á¤Hモン・ホーネット・B (¤C±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R はぐれ§ÔªÌニジロウ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ¤úÅ]¯« (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤B戦¾÷ヘルヴォル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¬ü­¹の§¯ºëシュゼット (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¨¯²§獣ツインヘッドライオン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¥¯¤Ñ姫サラスヴァティー (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R «C»ÉÅ]¯« (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R No.47 オフィングロープ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS35 ¤Q¤G¯«¬Ó½s ²Ä1³¹

X CP01 ¥É«ÒÀsダイテイオウ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¬õ¦â X ¥_¤æ¤C¬PÀsジーク・アポロドラゴン (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â X ¨»の¤Q¤G¯«¬Óゲイル・フェニックス (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)
¶À¦â X ªGª«¤ýドリアルバ27¥@ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

¬õ¦â M ¥³の戦°¨サラブレード (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â M ­ßÀsゾン・サーグ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ¨¯ÃM¤hヴァン・イーグル (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$20)
¶À¦â M サーキットプリンセス トリックスター (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M ®ü¶Ä®v団シャーガ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ª¢¯Tヴォルファイア (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R ³±¶§°­ツチミカド (¤­±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R アメジストライディーン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R シルフィードハスキー (¤»±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¤ÑÅ]¤ýゴッド・ゼクス -¥îノ«¬- (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¬ü­¹の§¯ºëスィーツ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R キメライオン (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ÂŦâ R ¹p¯«©ú¤ý (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)




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µù¥U 2014-9-21
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 3511
µoªí©ó 2017-2-13 13:04



º¡ $100 ´î $10
º¡ $200 ´î $20
º¡ $300 ´î $40
º¡ $400 ´î $50

BS34 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¥|³¹

µµ¦â X CP02 ®dîîの°_¾É¤hナカガミ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â X CP03 緑¼vの°_¾É¤hアオギリ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â X CP04 ¾÷¥©の°_¾É¤hギンレイ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â X CP05 ¤ë¤Uの°_¾É¤hミオ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)

µµ¦â X ³±¶§¬Óリクドウ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$50)

ºñ¦â M ¤j¦aの§Ôダイビート (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â M ¾÷¥©ªk®vヤテンコウ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ÂŦâ M ­°Å]©ú¤ý (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$30)

µµ¦â R ³±¶§¾É®vシド (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R ²§¤ú§Ôワラビ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ¾÷¥©将イチヤ・ジョー (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS33 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤T³¹

¥Õ¦â CP01 氷の覇¤ýミブロック・バラガン (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

µµ¦â X 戦国¤»ªZ将ムドウ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$100)

ºñ¦â M 戦国¤»ªZ将テンセイ (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)
ºñ¦â M ­·Å]¤W§Ôケツアール (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â M 戦国姫 ¨Ê (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$20)

ºñ¦â R ñZ­·Å]ヨロイズモ (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R ¤E§Àフォックス (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS32 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤G³¹

µµ¦â R §¯³N®vヤクモ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¥Õ¦â R ·½¤ó¤KÃM ½¥¤Yバスター (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)
¶À¦â R §¯§Ù獣ヌエ (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)



BS31 ¯P¤õ¶Ç ²Ä¤@³¹

ºñ¦â X CP03 µ§ÀY®a¦Úキマダラ (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)

ºñ¦â M ²§¹¬§L (¤@±i)(¨C±i=$30)

¬õ¦â R ñZ­¸竜オーソデルガー (¤T±i)(¨C±i=$10)
µµ¦â R §l¦å³±¶§®vヒレン (¥|±i)(¨C±i=$10)
ºñ¦â R Àþ¨­¤§³N (¤G±i)(¨C±i=$10)



©«¤l 12246
µù¥U 2017-10-13
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 2392
µoªí©ó 2017-11-11 19:50
The prosecution is expected to wrap up its case today when the third trial of manslaughter accused, Wazim Mohamed, 26, called ¡§Junior¡¨ of Mara, East Bank Berbice, continued in the Berbice High Court.? Mohamed, who is accused of killing his one-time friend, Russell Nelson,? 62,Wholesale Jerseys USA, called ¡¥Josie¡¦ of Fyrish, Corentyne, Berbice, is on trial before Justice Dawn Gregory and a mixed jury for the offence which was allegedly committed on September 27,Wholesale Jerseys Group, 2005 at Fyrish, Corentyne, Berbice.When the case continued on Wednesday the prosecution which is being lead by Attorney at law, Dionne McCammon,Cheap Baseball Jerseys China, called three more witnesses ¡X detective corporal Eon Grannum, David Nelson and Shameer Nabbi.Grannum testified to the parts he played in investigating the crime; including witnessing the taking of the caution statement from the accused.Nelson, who is a nephew of the deceased testified to witnessing the Post Mortem examination which was conducted December 12, 2005 by Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan at the New Amsterdam Hospital.Shameer Nabbi, in his testimony,NFL Jerseys Online, stated that on the night in question he was at home sleeping when he was awakened by his father calling and was told something. He in turn informed his sister.He stated that he knew the accused for about three years by seeing him around the place. He said that he subsequently went out and searched the village for somebody without shirt.? After a while he saw Mohamed sitting on the parapet.He confronted him and Mohamed jumped over a drain and ran into Dada¡¦s yard. He jumped behind him and caught up with him in the yard. He called for his father and they overpowered the man who was shirtless. They took him to the car and placed him inside along with the injured Nelson and took them to the Albion police station.Under cross examination by Defence Counsel, Charrandass Persaud, the witness stated that during his search, he was primarily looking for someone without shirt.Testifying earlier were Detective Corporal Sam who took the caution statement from the accused, Ramanan Nabbi, and his wife,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Fazilia Nabbi, who both testified to taking, neighbour Esau Muhammed and the Nabbi¡¦s daughter Fazila Nabbi.Dr. Brijmohan is expected to take the witness stand today.Mohamed is alleged to have beaten Nelson on a dam at Kilcoy Village, Corentyne,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and left him in a critical condition. The man was picked up and rushed to the hospital where he died on December 5, 2005. Mohamed was later arrested and charged for the crime.


©«¤l 12246
µù¥U 2017-10-13
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 2392
µoªí©ó 2017-11-12 08:26
I extend hearty greetings to all Guyanese on the occasion of Emancipation Day,China NFL Jerseys, 2012.? This day which is also popularly known as Freedom Day marks the anniversary of that very first Emancipation Day,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, August 1st,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, 1834 when the heinous system of slavery was outlawed in the British West Indian colonies.While Emancipation did not end exploitation,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, it ended that barbaric system of slavery in which millions of persons were transported against their will to foreign lands and made to toil unremittingly without reward or recognition.That such a system could not endure forever was never in doubt.? The abolition of slavery represented a victory for the African people who stoutly resisted the horrors of that system.? But it was also a victory for all those who were to be later brought to our shores.? These future immigrants, while having to work under arduous conditions,Cheap NFL Jerseys, could not lawfully be subject to enslavement.Today on this the anniversary of the abolition of slavery, I pay tribute to our African ancestors for their unrelenting resistance, amongst which was the 1763 uprising in Guyana.? I pay tribute also to the resolve of our African ancestors who after the abolition of slavery were instrumental in the development of our village movement against great odds.Emancipation was the most important break in the chain of bondage, the first step towards Independence and towards the goal of nation- building.? It offered the opportunity of the freed to demonstrate that they were capable of making a success of their liberation,Wholesale China Jerseys, and one of the ways in which this was demonstrated was by the creation of the village movement.The village movement crystallized by our African ancestors remains even today an important vehicle for the empowerment and upliftment of all Guyanese.?? This movement remains one of the great achievements of the freed Africans.? We should take pride in this achievement and work together ¡V all of us – to ensure that this enduring institution is preserved and nurtured so as to contribute to the continuing development of all Guyanese.Our villages remain signposts of our history.? We have been shaped by that history. Guyana is today a multi ethnic and multicultural society because of that very first Emancipation. Let us all commit to preserving and keeping intact our unique social tapestry by respecting and celebrating our diversity as a nation of free peoples living cohesively in this great land that we call our home.Happy Emancipation!


©«¤l 12246
µù¥U 2017-10-13
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µoªí©ó 2017-11-12 15:13
Police have detained a suspect in the November shooting death of 49-year-old Herman La Cruz in the Aranka backdam.According to reports, La Cruz,NFL Jerseys Discount, a labourer,Cheap Jerseys, was consuming alcohol at a shop in Aranka when he got involved in an argument with a man.The other man allegedly drew a gun and shot La Cruz to his chest.Meanwhile,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, there has been no arrest to date in relation to the murder of 34 year-old Royston Moore who was found at White Creek, Matthew¡¦s Ridge,Cheap Jerseys From China, North West District with gunshot wounds.Moore¡¦s body was found on Monday last.A post mortem,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, conducted by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, revealed that Moore died as a result of hemorrhage and shock due to multiple gunshot wounds.


©«¤l 12246
µù¥U 2017-10-13
¥Î¤áµù¥U¤Ñ¼Æ 2392
µoªí©ó 2017-11-15 19:03
Opposition Leader David Granger has described the five percent increase for public servants as being an insult. Granger told media operatives yesterday that the increase is inadequate and suggested that the imposition is just to keep abreast of the inflation rate.Granger emphasised that he is in full support of the public service workers and the union which represents them. He stated that the imposition of wages and conditions on public servant workers without the proper process of negotiation and bargaining is wrong.The Opposition Leader opined that public service workers play a vital role in the development and growth of the country and their job security should be handled appropriately. He highlighted that the workers deserve a meaningful raise in salary since they and the Government are related in carrying out state business.He noted that the workers are currently being treated unfairly by the Government while reminding that a rocky relationship has existed between the Government and the Guyana Public Service Union since 1999.Granger called on the Government to have meaningful discourse with the union and to acknowledge the calculated figure that was indicated by the representatives. He said the Government must engage in collective bargaining and collective labour agreements.?? The incorrect approach towards the public service workers,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, he said,Wholesale China Jerseys, continues to contribute to the inefficiencies of the sectors.Last month,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the Government announced a five percent increase for public service workers. The increase to salaries and wages will be retroactive to January 1,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, 2012.